Subversion Repositories general

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 960 → Rev 961

0,0 → 1,339
package ak.hostadmiral.core.model;
import java.util.*;
import net.sf.hibernate.*;
import net.sf.hibernate.type.Type;
import ak.hostadmiral.util.HibernateUtil;
import ak.hostadmiral.util.ModelException;
import ak.hostadmiral.util.ModelSecurityException;
public class MailboxManager
private static MailboxManager mailboxManager = null;
private static boolean registered = false;
public static MailboxManager getInstance()
return mailboxManager;
protected static void register()
synchronized(MailboxManager.class) {
if(registered) return;
registered = true;
try {
mailboxManager = new MailboxManager();
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
static {
private Collection beforeDeleteListeners = new ArrayList();
private MailboxManager()
public Mailbox create(User editor)
throws ModelException
if(!allowedToCreate(editor)) throw new ModelSecurityException();
return new Mailbox();
public boolean allowedToCreate(User editor)
throws ModelException
return Mailbox.allowedToCreate(this, editor);
public Mailbox get(User editor, Long id)
throws ModelException
Mailbox mailbox;
try {
mailbox = (Mailbox)HibernateUtil.currentSession().load(Mailbox.class, id);
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
throw new ModelSecurityException();
return mailbox;
public boolean loginExists(User editor, Mailbox mailbox, String login)
throws ModelException
if(mailbox.getDomain() == null)
throw new ModelException("Cannot check unique login for mailbox without domain");
try {
if(mailbox.getId() == null)
return ((Integer)HibernateUtil.currentSession().iterate(
"select count(*) from Mailbox where login = ? and domain = ?",
new Object[] { login, mailbox.getDomain() },
new Type[] { Hibernate.STRING, Hibernate.entity(InetDomain.class) } )
.next()).intValue() > 0;
return ((Integer)HibernateUtil.currentSession().iterate(
"select count(*) from Mailbox b where login = ? and domain = ? and b != ?",
new Object[] { login, mailbox.getDomain(), mailbox },
new Type[] { Hibernate.STRING, Hibernate.entity(InetDomain.class),
Hibernate.entity(Mailbox.class) } )
.next()).intValue() > 0;
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
protected Mailbox findForLogin(String login)
throws ModelException
try {
List list = HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"from Mailbox where login=?", login, Hibernate.STRING);
if(list.size() == 0)
return null;
return (Mailbox)list.get(0);
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public void save(User editor, Mailbox mailbox)
throws ModelException
throw new ModelSecurityException();
try {
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public void addBeforeDeleteListener(MailboxBeforeDeleteListener listener)
public void removeBeforeDeleteListener(MailboxBeforeDeleteListener listener)
public Collection beforeDelete(User editor, Mailbox mailbox, Collection known)
throws ModelException
Collection cascade = new ArrayList();
for(Iterator i = beforeDeleteListeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
MailboxBeforeDeleteListener listener = (MailboxBeforeDeleteListener);
Collection subcascade = listener.mailboxBeforeDelete(editor, mailbox, known);
if(subcascade != null)
return cascade;
public void delete(User editor, Mailbox mailbox)
throws ModelException
throw new ModelSecurityException();
try {
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public Collection listMailboxes(User editor)
throws ModelException
try {
return HibernateUtil.currentSession().find("from Mailbox");
return HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"select mb from Mailbox mb left join mb.domain as d"
+ " where d.owner=? or mb.owner=?",
new Object[] { editor, editor },
new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.entity(User.class) } );
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public boolean areMailboxesAvailable(User editor)
throws ModelException
try {
|| InetDomainManager.getInstance().areInetDomainsAvailable(editor))
return true;
else {
return ((Integer)HibernateUtil.currentSession().iterate(
"select count(*) from Mailbox mb left join mb.domain as d"
+ " where d.owner=? or mb.owner=?",
new Object[] { editor, editor },
new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.entity(User.class) })
.next()).intValue() > 0;
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public Collection userBeforeDelete(User editor, User user, Collection known)
throws ModelException
Collection mailboxes;
try {
mailboxes = HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"from Mailbox where owner = ?",
user, Hibernate.entity(User.class) );
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
return iterateBeforeDelete(editor, mailboxes, known);
public Collection inetDomainBeforeDelete(User editor, InetDomain domain, Collection known)
throws ModelException
Collection mailboxes;
try {
mailboxes = HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"from Mailbox where domain = ?",
domain, Hibernate.entity(InetDomain.class) );
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
return iterateBeforeDelete(editor, mailboxes, known);
public Collection systemUserBeforeDelete(User editor, SystemUser user, Collection known)
throws ModelException
Collection mailboxes;
try {
mailboxes = HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"from Mailbox where systemUser = ?",
user, Hibernate.entity(SystemUser.class) );
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
return iterateBeforeDelete(editor, mailboxes, known);
private Collection iterateBeforeDelete(User editor, Collection mailboxes, Collection known)
throws ModelException
Collection cascade = new ArrayList();
for(Iterator i = mailboxes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Mailbox mailbox = (Mailbox);
if(mailbox.viewableBy(editor)) {
cascade.add(new CascadeDeleteElement(mailbox, CascadeDeleteElement.DELETE,
this.beforeDelete(editor, mailbox, known)));
cascade.add(new CascadeDeleteElement(mailbox, CascadeDeleteElement.FORBIDDEN,
else {
cascade.add(new CascadeDeleteElement(Mailbox.createLimitedCopy(mailbox),
CascadeDeleteElement.FORBIDDEN, null));
return cascade;
public static final Comparator LOGIN_COMPARATOR = new LoginComparator();
private static class LoginComparator
implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
if(!(o1 instanceof Mailbox) || !(o2 instanceof Mailbox))
throw new ClassCastException("not a Mailbox");
Mailbox a1 = (Mailbox)o1;
Mailbox a2 = (Mailbox)o2;
if(a1 == null && a2 == null)
return 0;
else if(a1 == null && a2 != null)
return -1;
else if(a1 != null && a2 == null)
return 1;
return a1.getLogin().compareToIgnoreCase(a2.getLogin());
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return (obj instanceof LoginComparator);