Subversion Repositories general

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Ignore whitespace Rev 968 → Rev 32

File deleted
236,14 → 236,7
try {
Messages.sendRegistrationMessage(participant, request.getRemoteAddr());
catch(Exception ex) {
request.setAttribute("event", event);
initLists(request, event);
throw ex;
Messages.sendRegistrationMessage(participant, request.getRemoteAddr());
return null;
205,16 → 205,8
if(newParticipant) {
try {
Messages.sendRegistrationMessage(participant, null);
catch(Exception ex) {
request.setAttribute("event", event);
initLists(request, event);
throw ex;
Messages.sendRegistrationMessage(participant, null);
return null;
33,7 → 33,7
Long eventId = StringConverter.parseLong(theForm.get("event"));
Event event = EventManager.getInstance().get(eventId, true);
List list = new ArrayList(ParticipantManager.getInstance().listFreeTransport(event));
Collections.sort(list, ParticipantManager.FROM_ZIP_COMPARATOR);
Collections.sort(list, ParticipantManager.NICK_COMPARATOR);
request.setAttribute("participants", list);
request.setAttribute("event", event);
return mapping.findForward("default");
29,8 → 29,7
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.nick.required=Ник обязателен обязателенНекорректный e-mail
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.persons.required=Количество не указано
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.persons.wrong=Количество должно быть положительным целым числом
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.persons.wrong=Количество должно быть целым числом
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.freetransport.wrong=Количество мест в машине должно быть целым числом
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.departure.wrong=Время отправления дожно быть, например, 20.10.2004 13:55
ak.kickup.core.participant.edit.freesleep.wrong=Количество спальных мест должно быть целым числом
200,22 → 200,6
public Collection listForAct(EventAct act)
throws ModelException
try {
return HibernateUtil.currentSession().find(
"select pa from Participant as p, ParticipantAct as pa"
+ " where p.event = ? and pa.participant = p and pa.act = ?",
new Object[] { act.getEvent(), act.getAct() },
new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(Event.class), Hibernate.entity(Act.class) } );
catch(HibernateException ex)
throw new ModelException(ex);
public ParticipantAct createAct()
throws ModelException
238,8 → 222,6
public static final Comparator NICK_COMPARATOR = new NickComparator();
public static final Comparator ACT_NICK_COMPARATOR = new ActNickComparator();
public static final Comparator FROM_ZIP_COMPARATOR = new FromZipComparator();
private static class NickComparator
implements Comparator
267,58 → 249,4
return (obj instanceof NickComparator);
private static class ActNickComparator
implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
if(!(o1 instanceof ParticipantAct) || !(o2 instanceof ParticipantAct))
throw new ClassCastException("not a ParticipantAct");
ParticipantAct a1 = (ParticipantAct)o1;
ParticipantAct a2 = (ParticipantAct)o2;
if(a1 == null && a2 == null)
return 0;
else if(a1 == null && a2 != null)
return -1;
else if(a1 != null && a2 == null)
return 1;
return a1.getParticipant().getNick().compareToIgnoreCase(a2.getParticipant().getNick());
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return (obj instanceof ActNickComparator);
private static class FromZipComparator
implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
if(!(o1 instanceof Participant) || !(o2 instanceof Participant))
throw new ClassCastException("not a Participant");
Participant a1 = (Participant)o1;
Participant a2 = (Participant)o2;
if((a1 == null || a1.getFromZip() == null) && (a2 == null || a2.getFromZip() == null))
return 0;
else if((a1 == null || a1.getFromZip() == null) && (a2 != null && a2.getFromZip() != null))
return -1;
else if((a1 != null && a1.getFromZip() == null) && (a2 == null || a2.getFromZip() == null))
return 1;
return a1.getFromZip().compareToIgnoreCase(a2.getFromZip());
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return (obj instanceof FromZipComparator);